Fun_People Archive
20 Mar
A Cow's Eye View of Political Philosophy

Date: Wed, 20 Mar 96 04:48:40 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: A Cow's Eye View of Political Philosophy

Forwarded-by: Jascha Franklin-Hodge <>

 Capitalism- You have two cows; you sell one and buy a bull.

 Socialism - You have two cows; you give one to your neighbor.

 Communism - You have two cows; the government takes one and
             gives you the milk.

 Fascism   - You have two cows; the government takes both of
             them and sells you the milk.

 Nazism    - You have two cows; the government takes both of
             them and shoots you.

 In Israel - You have two cows; the bank takes both of them,
             shoots one, milks one, throws away the milk,
	     and you shoot yourself.

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