Fun_People Archive
12 Mar
WhiteBoardness - 3/11/96

Date: Tue, 12 Mar 96 02:39:06 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness - 3/11/96

Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for Monday, March 11, 1996

"Keep a young mind and a healthy body.  I have a young mind and I'm taking
a healthy body to dinner tonight."

George Burns, comedian, actor and author of "How to Live to Be 100 -- Or
More," dedicated to the widows of his last five doctors.  Mr. Burns passed
away this weekend at age 100.

Fast News Forum:

An article about cooking contests in a newsletter published by the
International Association of Culinary Professionals, Louisville, Kentucky,
is titled "The Smell of the Grease Pan; the Roar of the Proud."

Maggie Barnes, of Kenly, North Carolina, got a clean bill of health on her
114th birthday.  At the age of 96, she completed a course at Johnston
Community College -- on aging.

Five elementary students in Violet, Louisiana, have been suspended for
reportedly trying to pass off a cup of urine as apple juice to a
fifth-grader, administrators say.

Sparks, Nevada, residents are being warned not to pour grease down drains
after a monster grease ball disrupted operations.  It took workers of the
local sewer treatment plant about 20 minutes to remove the 150-pound gooey
gob that lodged against a bar screen, causing sewage to back up.

An Oak Park, Illinois, city housing official and his friend, on vacation in
Prague, caught the Czech police force's most wanted man, a convicted double
murderer, when the man broke into their apartment.  They sat on him until
police arrived.

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