Fun_People Archive
16 Feb
A Favorite Piece of Blasphemy from Maledicta

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 96 13:46:12 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: A Favorite Piece of Blasphemy from Maledicta

[Okay folks, here it is, a test of your taboos -- not all of them admittedly,  
but many.  Read no further if you don't want to know how attached you are to  
propriety...  -psl]

Forwarded-by: "Gregg H. Porter" <>
[I asked a friend of mine to "recall" his favorite piece of blasphemy.
Here it is.    =ghp=]

From:	"Scott Kralik",

My very favorite piece of blasphemy of all time is something I got from an
article on "Maledicta", the publication dedicated to the study of swearing,
blasphemy, and all other manner of "bad words" (hence the name, Maledicta).
I don't recall the exact source (Hungarian or other Eastern European, I
believe), but the editor of Maledicta declared this the worst insult he'd
ever heard:

	God, please stop slapping me in the face with
	your dick all covered in shit from fucking Jesus.

That pretty well covers the bases:  blasphemy, homosexuality, incest
(homosexual incest), excrement, abuse, the works.


P.S.  Does this mean I get to go to jail for violating the Telecom "Reform"
Act of 1996?

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