Fun_People Archive
8 Feb

Date: Thu, 8 Feb 96 03:43:09 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: LRRH-humor

[Quick!  Read this before it's against the law... -psl]

Forwarded-by: Lani Herrmann <>

 Regina Bendix forwarded:

 	Little Red Riding Hood is getting ready to go to ther 

 grandmother's house; she puts on her hood, takes the basket with the 

 goodies, and starts heading out the door.

 	"Little Red Riding Hood, what are you doing?" says her mother.  

 "Haven't you learned your lesson yet?  Don't you know that if you go to 

 grandmother's house, you'll meet the wolf?  Then he'll take off your 

 little red cloak, pull down your little white panties, and fuck your 

 little red stockings off!"

 	"Oh, no, not this time!"  Said LRRH.  "This time I'm ready for 

 him!"  And she took a gun out of her basket.

 	"Well, alright, then," said her mother.

 	On her way through the woods, she met the woodcutter.  "LRRH, 

 what are you doing?  Haven't you learned your lesson?  Don';t you know 

 that if you go through the woods you'll meet the wolf?  Then he'll take 

 off your cloak, pull down your little white panties, and fuck your little 

 red stockings off!"

 	"Not this time," said LRRH.  "This time I'm ready for him."  And 

 she showed the woodcutter her gun.

 	"Well, okay then," said the woodcutter.

 	LRRH got to her grandma's house, knocked on the door, went in, 

 and found the wolf in bed.  "LRRH, what are you doing here?" cried the 

 wolf.  "Haven't you learned your lesson yet?  Don;'t you know that I'm 

 going to take off your cloak, pull down your little white panties, and 

 fuck your little red stockings off?"

 	"Not this time!" said LRRH as she pulled out her gun and aimed it 

 at the wolf.  "This time, you're going to eat me, just like it says in 

 the book!"

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