Fun_People Archive
6 Jan
WhiteBoardness 1/5/96
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 96 04:25:55 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness 1/5/96
Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for January 05, 1996
"The most interesting time of human life, I think, is when your heart stops,
and for between two and 15 minutes, your brain is still running. I think
the most interesting part of my life is going to happen in those two to 15
minutes. Because time doesn't exist then. When the body's gone and you've
got 120 billion neurons whirring, it's like LSD. More can happen in one
minute than in a thousand lifetimes."
-- LSD guru Timothy Leary, who is dying of cancer.
© 1996 Peter Langston