Fun_People Archive
21 Jun
Unverified and Lost Associations

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 11:16:04 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Unverified and Lost Associations

[While some of these are a bit lame, others are extremely subtle, or perhaps
extremely lame... or perhaps both.  In any case, I find the possibility that
greater knowledge of British slang would make them uproariously funny has a
piquant effect... -psl]

Forwarded-by: bostic@CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
Forwarded-by: Dave Del Torto <>
From: Andrew McKenzie <>

The following are listed as "unverified and Lost Associations" in the
directory of Bristish Associations 1994,5.

association of sun tanning organizations ltd.        <-- stayed out too long
bicycle polo association of great britain            <-- spokesman left flat
british and european geranium society                <-- never showed
british llama society                                <-- wised up
clergy against nuclear arms                          <-- couldn't handle rods
flying farmers association                           <-- finally landed
handle makers association                            <-- held in inquiry
the hatpin society of great britain                  <-- went on ahead
llanwenog sheep society                              <-- ran out of condoms
national sulphuric acid association ltd              <-- bathed
original pearly kings and queens association         <-- whited out
pillbox study group                                  <-- got tanked
poldark appreciation society                         <-- taken for granted
saint helena aviation development group              <-- flown the coop
swedish-english literary translators association     <-- booked a flight
token correponding society                           <-- writer's cramp
tupperware assoc.                                    <-- records sealed
the vikings (norse film and pageant society)         <-- gone fey
united kingdom circuit for indian classical music ltd<-- off tuning
welsh baseball union                                 <-- on strike
whiteface dartmoor sheepbreeders association         <-- blackface gene got in

So there.

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []