Fun_People Archive
5 Dec
Spam Haiku

Date: Mon,  5 Dec 94 18:25:17 PST
To: Fun_people
Subject: Spam Haiku

Forwarded-by: Dan Tenenbaum <>
Forwarded-by: Therese McRae <>

Pink tender morsel,
Glistening with salty gel.
What the hell is it?


Ears, snouts and innards,
A homogeneous mass.
Pass another slice.


Cube of cold pinkness
Yellow specks of porcine fat.
Give me a spork please.


Old man seeks doctor.
"I eat SPAM daily", he says.


Highly unnatural,
The tortured shape of this "food".
A small pink coffin.

[=] © 1994 Peter Langston []