Fun_People Archive
12 Nov
... are condemned to repeat it.

Date: Sat, 12 Nov 94 03:49:13 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: ... are condemned to repeat it.

Forwarded-by: bostic@CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
Forwarded-by: (Gene "Chief Yuckster" Spafford)
Forwarded-by: Abhijit Chaudhari <>

The people being dissatisfied with a Democratic Legislature, which stole no
more than they had, elected a Republican one, which not only stole all they
had but exacted a promissory note for the balance due, secured by a mortgage
upon their hope of death.
        -- Ambrose Bierce in Fantastic Fables, 1898

[=] © 1994 Peter Langston []