Fun_People Archive
22 Nov
CRAY XMP-2. 32MW. etc etc. Must go, best offer.

Date: Mon, 22 Nov 93 12:16:47 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: CRAY XMP-2. 32MW. etc etc. Must go, best offer.

[Here's your chance to compete with China in the high-end computing business
(of course they have to pay $8M for theirs ... hey, wait a minute, maybe you
could grab this one for a mere 6 million and sell it to them for 7 ... you'd be
a millionaire!)  And, of course MW = megawords   -psl]

 From: gp310ad@prism.gatech.EDU (ROBERT DUCKWORTH)


Fred and I were relaxing after work and discussing a surplus CRAY XMP-2
we had seen for sale (by sealed bid). We were feeling pretty good and
decided to put in a bid.

Well, we won.

Now we have to decide what to do with the machine.

Ideally we'd like to find someone who can put it to use and make a decision
and move it within the next 30 days. It is presently installed and working
and may even still be under maintanence.

Otherwise, I have a place to set it up but will have to install 3 phase power.

The machine has 32MW main memory, 32MW disk buffer, and 7gig or so of 
disk space. It's complete with power conditioning and cooling equipment.

If anyone is interested in parts only, I'd like to keep the cabinet, 
and cooling system.

We've done some crazy things before but this may take the cake (excepting
some of that teen years stuff where one is immortal).


Bob Duckworth  (WB4MNF)         960 Ralph McGill Blvd. Atlanta GA 30306-4447
404 - 874-5051(H) 888-0389(O) 892-2301(F)
      -enough is good, more is better, and too much is just right-

[Contrast that with the legend that used to be on the roof of the Lone Star
Cafe on 13th St. NYC:   "Too much just ain't enough!"   When you've just bought
a Cray, you're allowed.  -psl]

[=] © 1993 Peter Langston []