Fun_People Archive
18 Sep
Undocumented Newton tricks

Date: Sat, 18 Sep 93 00:16:34 PDT
To: Fun_People
Subject: Undocumented Newton tricks

 From: (Andy Thomas)

The Newton was officially launched today (well, Thursday) in the UK at
the Live '93 consumer electronics show at Olympia, and I must admit that
I was impressed by it.  One of the brochures I picked up on the Apple
stand was a small magazine called `Principia' (Vol. 1, No. 1, September
16th 1993; named in honour of the epic work by Sir Isaac) which mentions
some undocumented Newton tricks.  Apologies to the group if these have
already been posted, but for those who haven't come across them before
they are:

 Ask the MP to `Find Elvis' and you'll be told where The King was last
sighted.  The answer you'll get is different every time though.  (Since
Elvis isn't in the dictionary, `Principia' suggests using the on-screen
keyboard to enter his name, if needed.)

 The second trick is to set the Country in Personal (in Prefs) to
"Graceland".  This changes the start-up picture you see when turning
Newton (sic.) from the familiar light bulb icon into a dancing Newt.

 A final undocumented trick is to hold down the clock icon on the button
bar; at first you see the time, date and battery status as usual, but
after a little delay you also see the temperature, taken from a sensor
inside the battery compartment.

[Acks. to `Principia', who are apparently independent of Apple, and can
be reached on AppleLink as KMP, and on CompuServe as 100034,64.  It's a
nice little publication, and they may well be happy to send out some
complimentary copies.]

[=] © 1993 Peter Langston []