Fun_People Archive
9 Jun
Local Health Tips for the 90s

Date: Wed,  9 Jun 93 18:29:11 PDT
To: Fun_People
Subject: Local Health Tips for the 90s

 From: Claude Ginsburg <>
 From Kari Brown, [who (I presume) slaves away at Microsoft. - claude]

1. STOP DENYING.  Listen to the wisdom of your body.  Begin to freely admit
the stresses and pressures which have manifested physically, mentally, or
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Work until the physical pain forces you into

2. AVOID ISOLATION.  Don't do everything alone!  Develop or renew intimacies
with friends and loved ones.  Closeness not only brings new insights, but
also is anathema to agitation and depression.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Shut your office door and lock it from the inside if
	you can so no-one will distract you. They're just trying to hurt your

3. CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES.  If your job, your relationships, a situation,
or a person is dragging you under, try to alter your circumstances, or if
necessary, leave.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: If you feel something is dragging you down, supress
	these thoughts. This is a weakness. Drink more coffee. ( It's free.)

4. DIMINISH INTENSITY IN YOUR LIFE.  Pinpoint those areas or aspects which
summon up the most concentrated intensity and work toward alleviating that
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Increase intensity.  Maximum intensity = maximum
	productivity. If you find yourself relaxed and with your mind
	wandering, you are probably having a detrimental effect on the
	stock price.

5. STOP OVERNURTURING.  If you routinely take on other people's problems and
responsibilities, learn to gracefully disengage.  Try to get some nurturing
for yourself.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Always attempt to do everything. You ARE
	responsible for it all.  Perhaps you haven't thoroughly read your
	job description.

6. LEARN TO SAY "NO".  You'll help diminish intensity by speaking up for
yourself.  This means refusing additional requests or demands on your time
or emotions.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Never say no to anything.  It shows weakness,
	and lowers the stock price. Never put off until tomorrow what you
	can do at midnight.

7. BEGIN TO BACK OFF AND DETACH.  Learn to delegate, not only at work, but
also at home and with friends.  In this case, detachment means rescuing
yourself for yourself.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Delegating is a sign of weakness.  Let someone
	else do it (See # 5).

8. REASSESS YOUR VALUES.  Try to sort out the meaningful values from the
temporary and fleeting, the essential from the nonessential.  You'll
conserve energy and time, and begin to feel more centered.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Stop thinking about your own problems. This is
	selfish. If your values change, we will make an announcement at the
	company meeting. Until then, if someone calls you and questions your
	priorities, tell them that you are unable to comment on this and give
	them the number for Microsoft Marketing. It will be taken care of.

9. LEARN TO PACE YOURSELF.  Try to take life in moderation.  You only have
so much energy available.  Ascertain what is wanted and needed in your life,
then begin to balance work with love, pleasure, and relaxation.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: A balanced life is a myth perpetuated by the Borland
	Marketing Team.  Don't be a fool: the only thing that matters is work
	and productivity.

10. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY.  Don't skip meals, abuse yourself with rigid
diets, disregard your need for sleep, or break the doctor appointments.
Take care of yourself nutritionally.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: Your body serves your mind, your mind serves the
	company.  Push the mind and the body will follow. Drink Mountain Dew.
	(it's free.)

11. DIMINISH WORRY AND ANXIETY.  Try to keep superstitious worrying to a
minimum -- it changes nothing.  You'll have a better grip on your situation
if you spend less time worrying and more time taking care of your real
	MICROSOFT VIEW: If you're not worrying about work, you must not be
	very committed to it.  We'll find someone who is.

12. KEEP YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR.  Begin to bring joy and happy moments into
your life.  Very few people suffer burnout when they're having fun.
	MICROSOFT VIEW: So, you think your work is funny?  We'll discuss this
	with your manager on Friday.  At 7:00 pm.

[=] © 1993 Peter Langston []