Fun_People Archive
21 Nov
autoOS updates
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 92 19:19:09 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: autoOS updates
Strangely enough, two people noticed (almost) the same lack in the original posting...
From: Robert Morris <>
>> System 360: You drive to the store, where the doorkeeper requires you
to fill out 300 pages of Store Control Language. You are admitted,
fill three shopping carts and arrive at the checkout counter to be
told that the last page of your SCL language has a syntax error. Your
groceries are all returned to the shelves and you must go to the
doorkeeper and start over.
From: (Barry Shein)
>> OS/370 - Instead of your car, you find the master plans to a rocket
sled possibly written by L. Ron Hubbard during a vision of the future
he had in 1959, a huge block of metal, a milling machine, and a large
barrel full of crude.
© 1992 Peter Langston