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American Banjo Camp


ABC Miscellaneous Payments
Balance / Past Workshop(s) / Donation


Use this form to pay a balance (camp balances due by July 1), to order ABC workshop recordings, or to contribute to the scholarship fund.

Note: If you don't know the amount of your balance, send email to us and we can help you figure it out: info@americanbanjocamp.com

Enter the camper's name (one person only) and email address, the amount you wish to pay, and any comments or explanation to go along with the payment.





To pay with PayPal or a credit card: Click the yellow "PayPal" button below. NOTE: The actual PayPal charge ($0) includes a service fee.

To pay by check or money order: print this page and mail it with a check or money order for $0 made out to "American Banjo Camp." Send it to the ABC address below. Then click to alert us that your registration will be arriving by postal mail.

American Banjo Camp
9228 1st Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117

NOTE: On occasion our email responses are misidentified as spam. Please make sure email from psl@acm.org or from peterslangston@comcast.net can get through to you.

© 2017, ABC & Peter Langston