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American Banjo Camp


Tracks and Classes

ABC currently offers eight banjo tracks (eight or more classes in every class period), a fiddle track (one class in every class period), a guitar track (one class in every class period), plus our new mandolin track (one class in every class period). This year we also offer occasional classes in bass, banjo uke, and harmony singing.

Banjo Tracks

We offer banjo classes in tracks at four levels from beginner through lower and upper intermediate to advanced. Descriptions of the specific banjo track levels.

While some classes have a broad topical focus and a very specific level ("Basic Fiddle Tune Back-up" or "Advanced Chromatic Soloing") other classes address a specific aspect of banjo playing useful at all levels of play ("Tuning the Banjo -- Theory & Practice" or "Learning Tunes by Ear"). Your responses on the registration form about playing level, jamming experience, and so forth, are used to help plan the number and levels of classes. This means that the earlier you register the more the program will be tweaked to suit your needs. Your responses on the registration form assist us in planning the event.

Note: At Camp you are free to study at any level and to take any combination of classes that you wish.

The Fiddle Track

ABC offers a full-time fiddle program. Our principal fiddle instructor is Greg Canote; classes will also be taught by Joseph Decosimo and Jonathan Meek. For the specific classes offered check our 2025 program schedule. Fiddlers are also warmly welcomed in our jams and jamming classes.

Note: please be aware that with only one fiddle class per class period, fiddle instruction will almost certainly be conducted at an intermediate level. This is a great opportunity for intermediate fiddlers or for classical players who seek an introduction to traditional music and playing styles. We do NOT have a program at ABC to teach basic violin skills, however, and students will be most comfortable in our fiddle classes if they have at least a year or two of experience on the instrument before coming to camp.

The Guitar Track

ABC offers a full-time guitar program. We have a principal guitar instructor who teaches most of the classes, but classes are also taught by other members of our faculty. Our principal guitar instructor this year is Dale Adkins. Other guitar classes will be taught by Jere Canote, David Keenan, and Peter Langston. For the specific classes offered check our 2025 program schedule. Guitarists are also warmly welcomed in our jams and jamming classes.

Note: please be aware that with only one guitar class per class period, guitar instruction will almost certainly be conducted at an intermediate level. We do NOT have a program at ABC to teach novice-level guitar skills, and students will be most comfortable in our guitar classes if they already know a few basic skills, such as how to strum in rhythm how to change comfortably among the most common major and minor open-position chord shapes.

The Mandolin Track

ABC offers a full program in mandolin, with one option during each class session. You can study “mando” full-time, part- time, or simply take an occasional class. Note: to be comfortable in this class you should already be able to strum in rhythm and change comfortably among the most basic mandolin chords. Our principal mandolin instructor this year is Roger Ferguson. Other mandolin classes will be taught by David Keenan and Peter Langston. For the specific classes offered check our 2025 program schedule. Mandolin players are also warmly welcomed in our jams and jamming classes.

Note: please be aware that with only one mandolin class per class period, instruction will almost certainly be conducted at an intermediate level. We do NOT have a program at ABC to teach novice-level mandolin skills, and students will be most comfortable in our mandolin classes if they already know a few basic skills, such as how to strum in rhythm how to change comfortably among the most common major and minor chord shapes.

Bass Classes

ABC now offers bass classes. Recent bass classes were taught by renowned bluegrass and jazz bassist Mick Nicholson. Bass players are also warmly welcomed in our jams and jamming classes.

Special Classes

You’ll never know what you might find in any given year in our “special class” track. In 2019 our special offerings consisted of two bass classes plus sessions in banjo uke and harmony singing.

Class types, Hands-On vs. Demos

Most classes at the American Banjo Camp are "hands-on" classes that involve active participation of the student. ABC also offers "demonstration" classes that range from panel discussions to round-robin performances.

Hands-On Classes

Here are examples of a few hands-on classes that have been taught over the years at American Banjo Camp:

Old-time Banjo

• Intro to Round Peak clawhammer
• Triplets and grace notes in clawhammer style
• The thumb lead two-finger style of Carroll Co., Virginia
• Kentucky fiddle tunes for old-time banjo
• Playing Blues on Old-time Banjo
• How to Play With a Fiddler

Bluegrass Banjo

• Top Ten Scruggs Licks
• How to Have Fun at Jams & Get Asked Back
• The styles of J.D. Crowe & Sonny Osborne
• Getting Rolling – an intensive introduction to 3-finger rolls
• Mapping the Fingerboard
• Intro to Improvisation, 3-finger Style

Levels: Banjo classes are taught at four levels: beginner, lower intermediate, upper intermediate, and advanced. The levels page gives more detail about the banjo levels.

Old-Time Fiddle

• Controlling the Bow – Slurring & "the Dip"
• Using Alternative Tunings
• Old-Time Fiddle Tunes, Longbow Style
• Ragtime Fiddle Tunes
• Old-Time Waltzes


• Bluegrass Guitar - 3 Kinds of Boom-Chang!
• Old-Time Guitar - All the Bass Runs You'll Ever Need
• Intro to Cross-Picking
• Intro to Swing Guitar
• Carter Family-Style Picking

Bass, Uke, Mandolin, Singing, & Others

• Bass Picking and Damping Techniques for Both Hands
• Intro to Clawhammer Uke
• Singing with the Banjo
• Intro to Bluegrass Mandolin
• Banjo Set-Up and Repair


Demos are scheduled during the regular program. Demonstrations are round-robin events akin to folk and bluegrass festival workshops, where several artists offer samples of their playing and address a common theme. Here are some examples:

• Old-time finger picking styles
• Traditional tunings
• Jazz and Swing on the Banjo
• Fiddle-Banjo Duets
• Improvisation

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© 2019, ABC & Peter Langston