Fun_People Archive
5 Apr
Flights of Passion

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  5 Apr 100 14:33:13 -0700
To: Fun_People
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Subject: Flights of Passion

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Flights of Passion

By Buck Wolf

Want to join the "mile-high" club? It looks like it'll soon be a whole lot
easier to have sex on an airplane.

Several airlines are developing seats for upper-class passengers that
transform into beds. By the end of next year, Virgin Atlantic expects to
introduce a special twin seat that converts into a 4-foot-wide double bed
with an enclosure for privacy.  "This is the ultimate in comfort," says
airline spokeswoman Sharon Pomerantz.

But let's face it, give folks a double bed, a few hours to kill and - wink,
wink, nudge, nudge - they are going to do more than catch some zzzzs - even
on an airline called "Virgin." Since the dawn of air travel, passengers
have risked the sting of public
 humiliation for some in-flight nookie. "Sometimes you have to bang on the
bathroom doors," says Tim Kirkwood, a TWA flight attendant and author of
Flight Attendant Job Finder & Career Guide (Planning/Communications).

"With bigger planes and smaller bathrooms, you see less people trying to
join the 'Mile-High Club.' It still happens, but it's more gross than ever."
Kirkwood says the new Virgin Atlantic double bed/seat might make a flight
attendant's job a little harder. But it's hard to say how the industry will
react, he says. "As a rule of thumb," Pomerantz says, "we try not to police
passengers who are not disruptive."

The Federal Aviation Administration has no rules against mile-high sex.
Airlines follow their own guidelines. "In a lot of situations, flight
attendants just turn their backs," Kirkwood says. "I say, if you can stand
the embarrassment, go for it. You'll probably face an angry gantlet of
folks waiting in line."

Of course, there are limits. In October, British police arrested American
Airlines passengers Amanda Holt and David Machin for allegedly stripping
to their underwear, right in their seats, and getting a little too frisky.

P.S. A Gatwick Airport police spokesman told a British newspaper that
passengers usually won't be arrested if they comply with crew instructions
to "come out now, other people want to use the loo."

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