Fun_People Archive
26 Jun
Greetings from Scopet Newni, Not Renault of Alleve

Content-Type: text/plain
Mime-Version: 1.0 (NeXT Mail 3.3 v118.2)
From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 99 05:08:53 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Greetings from Scopet Newni, Not Renault of Alleve

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649

Here's how to determine your Star Wars name:

For your Star Wars first name:
+ Take all the letters up to (and including) the first vowel of your
  middle name (or your last name if you have no middle name)
+ Append the first 3 letters of your first name
e.g. Lyndon Baines Johnson => Balyn

For your Star Wars last name:
+ Take the first syllable of the city you were born
+ Append the first 2 letters of your mother's maiden name
e.g. for me, born in NYC, mother's maiden name, Nicholson,  => Newni

For your Star Wars honorific:
+ take the last three letters of your last name and reverse them.
e.g. Bill Clinton => Not

For your Star Wars title:
+ Take the name of the first car you drove or owned
+ append the word "of"
+ append the name of the last medication you took.
e.g. Nova of Romilar

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