Fun_People Archive
26 Sep
Flynt offers Starr job as porno aide

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Sat, 26 Sep 98 11:14:10 -0700
To: Fun_People
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Subject: Flynt offers Starr job as porno aide

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[Would you call this a silver lining or a Trojan horse?  Hmmm... -psl]

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Thursday September 24 11:04 AM EDT

Flynt offers Starr job as porno aide

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - If independent counsel Kenneth Starr ever wants a
new job after investigating President Clinton, Hustler magazine publisher
Larry Flynt has just the position for him -- adviser on pornography.

``After a reading of the Starr report I am impressed by the salacious and
voyeuristic nature of your work,'' Flynt wrote to Starr Wednesday offering
him a job with his group that publishes magazines specializing in sexual

``The quality and quantity of material you have assembled in the Starr
report contains more pornographic references than those provided by Hustler
Online services this month,'' his letter said.

Flynt, who in the past has fought legal battles over pornography and freedom
of speech, went on to praise Starr's report on Clinton that graphically
describes the president's affair with his former White House intern Monica

``I congratulate you for having opened the doors of libraries and schools
to pornographic literature,'' the publisher wrote. ``Those of us at Hustler
need your assistance in extending the parameters of pornography to a wider
community of adults.  You have opened a new era in promoting explicit sexual

By including such explicit references in his report to Congress that could
form the basis for impeachment proceedings against Clinton, Flynt said Starr
has helped alter community standards in accepting pornography.

In his letter, Flynt compared the Starr report with his own Hustler Online
Magazine for its content.  This month's magazine, for example, had 44
graphic references to genitalia, while the Starr report had 50, Flynt wrote.

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