Fun_People Archive
10 Apr
The MacGyver Cookbook

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 98 12:55:53 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The MacGyver Cookbook

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	The MacGyver Cookbook

Well, folks, here it is. I didn't have time to cook this stuff myself for
you the way Paul Newman does, so I just wrote up this cookbook to give you
all the recipes, tried and true just like I make 'em in my own kitchen at


  Frequent flier coupons
  One medium paperclip (not plastic coated)
  One movie ticket stub

Now remember that chocolate-chip cookies are supposed to be a nice relaxing
kind of food, so the first thing you'll want to do to make them is to go
somewhere where you can kick back and relax.  Ecuador is good, so use your
frequent-flier coupons to pick up a round-trip ticket there.  The stewardess
will hand you a couple of bags of peanuts, but don't eat them, since we're
going to need those for the cookies.

You'll find yourself sitting next to an attractive woman who teaches
archaeology at Cornell; she'll explain that she's going to Ecuador to try
to find her father -- a biochemist by trade, but he dabbles in archaeology
as a hobby -- who went down there to find the lost pyramid of
Sesquichachloride, well known in archaeological circles as the fabled
storehouse of the god Valhequesal who, according to myth, rode down from
the skies on a pillar of fire bringing with him a wealth of powerful but
somewhat failure-prone magical devices that, according to the priests of
the day, were pretty darn all-around nifty.

Now her father, after examining several stone tablets depicting the god
Valhequesal, discovered that he is always shown wearing a curious bracelet
on his left wrist that looks surprisingly like a digital watch, leading him
to the conclusion that Valhequesal did actually exist, but he was really an
advanced space traveller with comparatively poor taste in accessories, and
that the lost pyramid of Sesquichachloride must contain his spacecraft and
untold other devices from his world. About this time, the stewardess will
bring by the main meal and you'll want to be sure to save the little packets
of salt and butter that come with your meal -- the woman next to you will
be too worried about her father to eat and so you'll want to take her packet
of butter and go ahead and keep her crackers too.

When you get off the plane in Ecuador, just go out to the front of the
airport and try to locate a cab. There won't be any, for some reason, so
you'll go inside to inquire about where transportation might be found and
some guy will stumble against you and when you look at him, you'll notice
that he's been stabbed in the left side and is bleeding pretty profusely.
With a weakly shaking hand, he'll thrust the key to a safety deposit box
into your hand, gasp something about "be careful of the poison ivy" and
expire messily on the floor of the terminal. You'll decide that maybe
waiting for a cab is the better part of valor and head back outside -- on
the way, though, be sure to stop at the concession stand and ask for a
half-pound of chocolate chips.  The clerk will measure the appropriate
amount and put it in a bag for you. Be sure your movie ticket stub is
visible in the handful of change you pull from your pocket to pay her.
She'll reach down under the counter and then surreptitiously drop a roll of
microfilm into your bag along with the chocolate chips, then hand you the
bag, saying, "On the house."

At this point, speed is of the essence -- get back outside the concourse
before a swarthy man with a mustache strides up to the snack shop holding
a movie ticket stub. Moments later he and the clerk will run out the door
looking for you, just as the woman who sat next to you on the plane drives
up in her rental car and offers you a lift. Cheerfully accept, and hop in
before the man with the mustache disconnects the safety on his gun. If all
goes well, you'll both be out of the parking lot and on your way before he
has time to squeeze off more than one shot -- and he'll miss on the first
one anyway and the woman driving the car will think it was just another
vehicle backfiring. She'll be kind enough to offer to let you stay in her
hotel room, but she'll need to stop off at the bank first to take care of
a little business. While she's talking with the bank representative, you
casually wander back to the safety deposit boxes and open the one that
matches the key. In it, you'll find a fair sized paper bag containing bags
of flour, sugar, baking soda and a large bottle of calamine lotion; take
this along with the folded piece of paper lining the bottom of the safety
deposit box. Go back to the lobby just as she's getting ready to leave.

Once the two of you get back into the car and start driving, unfold the
piece of paper -- it's a map leading to somewhere deep in the Ecuadorian
jungle.  Look more closely at it just as your companion notices the map,
gasps, nearly runs the car off the road, and exclaims "That's my father's
handwriting!"  From this point on, it's pretty straightforward -- just trek
through the jungle with her for a few days, evade the occasional drug lord
and that guy with the mustache, locate the hidden temple and descend down
a long pole into its depths, and locate the treasure room.

There'll be a large golden idol in the northwest corner with huge rubies
for eyes, a golden bowl in his lap, and a bird's nest on his head. Put the
butter from the plane into the bowl and stir until softened. Get the gold
cup to the left of the idol and add two cupfuls of sugar to the butter, stir
until creamed. And two eggs from the next, one swiss army knife spoonful of
baking soda and two-and-a-half cups of flour, being sure to remove the large
plastic bag of cocaine that was hidden in the bag of flour first.  Mix well,
add the peanuts from the flight and the chocolate chips from the bag,
pocketing the microfilmed list of drug contacts first, and place by swiss
army knife spoonfuls onto the silver tray propped up against the back of
the idol.

Once the cookie batter is on the tray, your companion will ask to lick the
bowl, but in doing so will bump against the gold torch held in the idol's
right hand and there will be a low grinding sound as the stone block that
forms the doorway to the drug smugglers' lab slides out of the way and
you'll see her father chained to a lab table being forced to refine drugs
for the smugglers. While they're having a beautiful and happy reunion, pick
up a strange device from the outer room and bring it into the lab where
there's better light for a closer inspection. Be sure to bring the cookie
sheet too and set them next to each other on the lab table. Your companion
and her father will be trying to figure out how to get him unchained while
you note that the device in question is clearly of extraterrestrial
manufacture and appears to be some sort of highly powerful laser cutting
device -- except that it shows signs of being dropped, breaking the actuator
wire and misaligning the front partial mirror.

Tell them to be quiet for a moment as you use the fish scaling blade from
your swiss army knife to realign the partial mirror to one quarter wave and
then unfold the paperclip, using it to reconnect the high-voltage trigger
to the laser firing mechanism.  Have him stand back while you use the
high-powered laser to cut through the chain holding him to the table and,
incidentally, the wall on the other side of the room, alerting the drug
smugglers to your presence. They'll burst into the room and one will fire
a pistol at you, missing you but hitting the laser, forcing it permanently
on and cracking the rear reflector, bathing the area -- the cookies in
particular -- with high-energy radiation. Now get chased around the interior
of the temple for a while and, just after the second brief romantic moment
where you kiss her and think "Gosh, for someone who's been running around
the Equadorian jungle for nearly a week, her hair's not greasy at all" the
cookies should be done.

Run back through the drug lab, grab the cookie sheet, noting that the
cooling system for the laser has failed and it's about to explode, and run
to the outer room where the three of you scale the pole with the bad guys
in hot pursuit. By the time you reach the top of the pole, the bad guys will
be halfway up it already, so uncap the bottle of calamine lotion and pour
it onto the pole, causing them to fall back into the temple as you and your
companions escape into the jungle depths just moments before the entire
secret temple explodes, destroying the drug smuggling operation along with
all the extraterrestrial artifacts.

By now the cookies should be cool enough to eat. Enjoy. Your companions will
have a few too, wistfully sighing over the loss of so much knowledge so
senselessly, as you take another cookie and notice that the metal sheet you
baked them on has etched onto it the plans for what appear to be some sort
of space drive.

Anyway, this is the best chocolate-chip cookie recipe I've ever tried --
I've made it dozens of times and haven't had a single bad batch yet.

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