Fun_People Archive
1 Apr
The Comedian's-eye View of 04/01/98

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  1 Apr 98 22:22:30 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Comedian's-eye View of 04/01/98

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Excerpted-from: 04/01/98 -- ShopTalk

                         Wednesday April 1, 1998

      "John Travolta is currently starring in the new movie 'Primary
       Colors'...and he's so convincing as President Clinton that earlier
       today, I understand, he received a warm note from Kathleen Willey."
			- David Letterman


R.I.P.: Ferdinand Porsche, creator of the famous sports car has died at 88.
"But his funeral was delayed because his hearse is in the shop." (Stephen

R.I.P. II: "Porsche reportedly lived a fast life, aging from 0 to 60 in 45
years." (Stan Kaplan)

Chariots of Fire: Finishing first in the L.A. Marathon was Zebedayo Bayo.
"Following close behind in second place was a house from Laguna Niguel."
(Gary Moore)

Love Drug: The FDA has approved a pill that cures male impotence.  "Side
effects include dizziness and a temporary feeling of exhilaration, followed
by possible impeachment."  (Argus Hamilton)

Does NASA Have Preboarding? "What do you think it'll be like for the younger
astronauts on John Glenn's upcoming spaceflight? Glenn will be constantly
talking about the old days: 'In my day, we didn't have a fancy shuttle. .
. . We had to mix our own Tang by hand. . . . Turn that radio down! . . .
I had to spacewalk five miles through meteor showers every day. . . . You
kids today, you land the shuttle on airstrips. We landed in the middle of
the ocean.' " (Jay Leno)

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