Fun_People Archive
1 Sep
Babies in Cars

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon,  1 Sep 97 00:10:12 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Babies in Cars

Forwarded-by: Jef Jaisun <>

Remember the recent headlines about the tragic cases of children being left
in cars?  ... Well, in Milwaukee a woman left  her two year old in a locked
car in the sun with the windows up while she shopped for half an hour or
so.  The store personnel called 911 and then broke into the car.  The
toddler was in bad shape, but is ok now.  Mom spent the night in jail and
is being charged with ___something....

The mother in this particular situation is Monica Miglorino Miller, a
fanatic anti-abortion leader. Yes, she blockades clinics to protect the
unborn, but doesn't seem to have enough sense to take care of the already


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