Fun_People Archive
17 Jun
A sad day
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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 97 15:43:58 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: A sad day
Forwarded-by: "Dan 'Dante' Tenenbaum" <>
Amos Tutola is dead....
Amos Tutuola, Nigerian novelist, died in Ibadan on
June 8 aged 77. He was born in 1920.
Although it delighted, engrossed and astonished so many
readers in the English speaking world outside Africa, The
Palm-Wine Drinkard (1952), the undoubted masterpiece
of the Yoruba folklorist and storyteller Amos Tutuola, was
not at first much liked in his native Nigeria. This had
something to do with the "quaintness" of his English which,
while charming and funny, appeared to present a view of
Africans to which Europeans could condescend if they
Since it was the first book by an anglophone African author
to be published commercially in a large edition this was
perhaps unfortunate. But the perception that Tutuola had "let
the side down" did less than justice to him and his work.
Though intellectually simple minded, he had a powerful
imagination and an autonomous mind. Although he was badly
educated and his English was poor, there was nothing bogus
about his perceptions.
He was probably the exemplar of a naive (in the sense the
word "primitive" is used of painters) writer of this century.
His work fell off in quality, and his real stature was
questioned by some of his fellow Nigerians; but he will
certainly be remembered for his story of Nigerian village life,
The Palm-Wine Drinkard, which is a prose epic on a
legendary scale.
Amos Tutuola was born in June 1920 (he did not know the
exact date), in Abeokuta, a large Yoruba town in Western
Nigeria 60 miles from Lagos. His father was a cocoa farmer.
He did very well in such schools as Nigeria then had to offer.
At the age of 12 he attended the Anglican Central School in
Abeokuta and was always proud of the scholastic progress
he made there. But when his father suddenly died in 1938 he
had to forgo further education because, as he wrote, "the
rest of my parents were so poor that they could not assist
The following year he went to Lagos to learn smithery and
joined the Royal Air Force as a blacksmith in 1942. He
served in the RAF for the remainder of the war and on his
discharge in 1945 he became a junior civil servant in the
Department of Labour. After he had written his first three
books and become internationally famous, he joined, in
1956, the Nigerian Broadcasting Company as a storekeeper
in Ibadan.
Tutuola was brought up a Christian and was always a
member of the African Church. It was the United Society for
Christian Literature which was responsible for sending the
manuscript of his first book, The Palm-Wine Drinkard, to
London to the publishing house of Faber & Faber. Dylan
Thomas, who read it, called it "brief, thronged, grisly and
That this story, in an oral tradition but made distinctly odd by
Tutuola's unsophisticated English, is a remarkable
achievement is beyond question. But its appeal to English
language readers consists, in part, in the naive language:
"When my father noticed that I could not do any work more
than to drink, he engaged an expert palm-wine tapster for
me, he had no other work more than to tap palm-wine every
This prose, as well as the lifestyle to which it apparently
assented, offended more sophisticated West African writers,
who were quick to point out the extent of Tutuola's debt to
the superior Yoruba writer D. O. .Fagunawa (one of whose
books was later translated from Yoruba into English by
Wole Soyinka). However, Tutuola's writing is not merely
quaint: he had a grasp - all the more secure for being so
thoroughgoingly naive - of Yoruba myth and legend, and he
had a brilliant and original imagination, unsullied, so to speak,
by the pale cast of thought or education or by critical
The notion, seriously considered by certain critics, that he
had made a careful study of the works of Jung was absurd:
he would have been quite incapable of this. But the
comparison with Bunyan, who was also ill-educated, was
more apt. Tutuola was certainly a visionary writer rather than
a realistic novelist in the conventional mode.
Tutuola was a member of the Mbari Club, the publishers and
writers' club in Ibadan, but he played no part in the
intellectual life of Nigeria: he was neither influenced by nor
did he influence such leading Nigerians as Chinua Achebe or
Wole Soyinka. By universal consent, his work fell off.
He tended towards archness, having caught on to the fact
that his use of English amused some of his foreign readers
(however unfortunate that was). But there are fine moments
in My Life in the Bush of Ghosts (1954), his second book,
and even in some later ones such as Feather Woman of the
Jungle (1962). The great first book was turned into an
opera by the Yoruba composer Kola Ogunmola; it was
translated into a dozen other languages.
Tutuola married Victoria Alake in 1947; they had four sons
and four daughters.
© 1997 Peter Langston