Fun_People Archive
1 May
Two Smudges of Elder Humor

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu,  1 May 97 13:03:44 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: Two Smudges of Elder Humor

Forwarded-by: "Mills, Rea" <>
From: Pat Adams <>

Two elderly men, Joe and Ed, were eating breakfast in a cafe. Ed noticed
something funny about Joe's ear. He said, "Joe, did you know you've got a
suppository in your left ear?" "I have?" replied Joe. "A suppository?" and
he pulled it out and looked at it hard and said, "Ed, I'm glad you saw this
thing. Now I know where my hearing aid is!!"


There was an eighty year old fellow named Tucker living up in the high
mountains of North Carolina who announced to his cronies hanging out at the
general store that he was going to marry Elly Lou Branch. "You don't say!"
replied one of the group. "Just how old is Elly Lou anyway"  "Twenty-one."
The cronies sniggered.  "You 'spect to have a family, Tuck?" "Sure," said
Tucker, grinning.  "Then you an' Elly Lou better gey yourselves a young
boarder," somebody suggested, to the enjoyment of all.  "We might just do
that" said the prospective groom.---Some time after the wedding he informed
the fellows at the store, proudly, that Elly Lou was pregnant. "Yeah?" said
one, jabbing his neighbor with his elbow.  "How does you boarder feel about
it?"  "OK, I guess," said Tucker, kinda sheepishly. "She's pregnant, too."

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