Fun_People Archive
6 May
The Horror of Thursday Night (5/2/96) As Told by an ENC survivor

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon,  6 May 96 00:38:08 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Horror of Thursday Night (5/2/96) As Told by an ENC survivor

Forwarded-by: Richard Gillmann <>
Forwarded-by: Sharon McKenna
Forwarded-by: Peter Bekker
From: 	Kari Richardson

To help myself (and hopefully others) cope with frayed nerves and feelings
of helplessness, I thought I would relate my account of last night's 'big

My wife and I were sitting watching TV when it hit at around 9:07...My wife
and looked at each other in sheer terror and we uttered as one "Oh my God,
I think, it's earthquake news coverage!". We braced ourselves but it just
seemed to last forever. We later found out that it had lasted 2 hours but
when you're in a situation like that it seems like a terrifying
eternity..several times in sheer blind panic, I reached for the remote
control and flipped the channel but it was no good, it was the same
everywhere. My wife and I joined in prayer to get us through 2 hours of UW
seismology reports, cheesy pseudo-scientific maps and diagrams, interviews
of Mariner fans in Pioneer Square and Bill Prasad...I called one of my
friends this morning and he told me that he had been driving on I-5 between
9PM and 11PM and he was totally unaware of anything untoward.  Only when he
got home did he find out from his tearful family that they'd just
experienced Earthquake News Coverage....I'm just glad that there was no
serious damage or injury although I heard rumours this morning that
helicopter drops of video cassettes containing old Seinfeld and ER episodes
was being considered by Gov Lowry although this hasn't been confirmed..
Last night highlighted the one item that we (and most other folks) forget
to pack in their earthquake kit and that is a good, hardy baseball bat to
smash one's TV into a thousand non-speaking parts. We'll be better prepared
next time. So where were YOU when it struck and how did you get through it?

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