Fun_People Archive
22 Sep
Weirdness #394

Date: Fri, 22 Sep 95 14:43:15 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Weirdness #394

Excerpted-from: WEIRDNUZ.394 (News of the Weird, August 25, 1995)
by Chuck Shepherd

* In June in Van Nuys, Calif., Raphael Dale Rodriguez, 24, was charged with
beating his girlfriend (maximum fine in California, $1,000) and strangling
her pet rabbit (maximum fine, $20,000).  In December, two Oklahoma police
officers faced charges--one of beating his girlfriend so badly she suffered
a ruptured eardrum (maximum jail time in Oklahoma, 90 days), and the other
of kicking a cat at the Oklahoma City airport (maximum prison time, 5
years).  And in Tallahassee, Fla., in May, sheriff's deputies charged Aaron
Moore with bludgeoning his mother to death and were set to charge his
friend, David Baity, with having sex with her corpse when they discovered
that there is no law in Florida against having sex with a corpse. [Los
Angeles Times, 6- 28-95] [Columbia Tribune-AP, 12-26-94] [St. Petersburg
Times- AP, 7-11-95]

* In Boston in July, veteran criminal Nick George Montos, 78, who was the
first person ever to make the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list twice, was arrested
in an unsuccessful antique store robbery.  Owner Sonia Paine, 73, grabbed
an aluminum bat and smacked Montos three times, knocking him to his knees.
When police arrived a short time later, Paine slugged him again to knock a
gun out of his hand. [Austin American-Statesman-AP, Jul95]

* Eleven days after the Oklahoma City bombing, promoters the Suncoast Gun
Show in Tampa, Fla., told dealers not to display military manuals and books
that contain recipes for napalm and Molotov cocktails.  Said one dealer, to
the St. Petersburg Times:  "We're totally surrounded by guns, but they don't
want me to sell a book?" [St. Petersburg Times, 4-30-95]

* In May, a New Jersey judge sentenced Karen Dobrzelecki, 20, to 13 years
in prison for strangling her newborn baby.  According to the judge, the
woman had earlier refused to abort the fetus because of her Catholic
beliefs. [Atlanta Journal- Constitution, 5-13-95]

Copyright 1995, Universal Press Syndicate.  All rights reserved. 

Released for the entertainment of readers.  No commercial use
may be made of the material or of the name News of the Weird.

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []