Sequences of 3-Note Dobro Chords
Tuning Chords Angles/Strings Misc. Options
(Open G)
(C6 steel)
(Drop E)
(G Minor)
(G add9)
(G High E)
(Open D)
(Bb Minor)
(Hawaiian A)
Enter chords,
one per line.

Chord format can either be the chord name, like:
or a list of notes, like:
  D F# A C E
In a list, "color" notes are marked by an asterisk:
  D F# A C* E*

Bar Angles
Straight The bar contacts all the strings at the same fret.

Half-Forw The slanted bar contacts the high strings further from the nut with a slope of one half a fret per string.

Forward   The slanted bar contacts the high strings further from the nut with a slope of one fret per string.

Dogleg   The dogleg uses the end of a forward-slanted bar to contact the two high strings at the same fret.

Half-Back The slanted bar contacts the high strings closer to the nut with a slope of one half a fret per string.

Backward The slanted bar contacts the high strings closer to the nut with a slope of one fret per string.

Allow pulls The left hand pulls the 1st or 2nd string sideways behind the bar, raising the pitch by one half-step. The diagram shows this as if the bar was bent.

All notes barred No open strings.
1 open high string Move the bar so it's only touching two of the strings being played, with a high string open.
1 open low string Move the bar so it's only touching two of the strings being played, with a low string open.

2 open strings Use the tip of the bar to touch only one of the strings being played.

All open strings Don't use the bar at all to make the chord.

Adjacent strings Play the neighbor strings: 6,5,4 or 5,4,3 or 4,3,2 or 3,2,1.

Skip 1 string Play strings 6,5,3 or 6,4,3 or 5,4,2 or 5,3,2 or 4,3,1 or 4,2,1.

Skip 2 strings Play strings 6,5,2 or 6,4,2 or 6,3,2 or 5,4,1 or 5,3,1 or 5,2,1.
Skip 3 strings Play strings 6,5,1 or 6.4.1 or 6,3,1 ir 6,2,1.

Chords w/o color notes OK Normally "color" notes are required
e.g. The 7 and 9 in a Dom. 9th chord.
Chords need >= 1 color note Only one "color" note is required
in each chord.
Chords need >= 2 color notes All "color" notes are required
in each chord.
Allow color notes low Normally "color" notes are restricted to the high 2 notes of the chord.

Avoid "jangling" This avoids chords wth notes 1/2 step or a whole step apart.

Avoid chord roots Assume some other instrument (bass?) will be playing chord roots.

Require close voicing Require all notes to fit within an octave.
Require open voicing Require the chord to span more than an octave.
Allow either Whatever. . .

105 106 107 108 The max number of possibilities to explore; fewer is faster.
ch. string Minimize moving right-hand fingers from string to string.
ch. fret Minimize moving the bar up/down the neck.
c-o-m change Minimize bar center-of-mass motion.
angle change Minimize bar angle changes.
open string Try to avoid having low strings open.
bar angle Minimize bar angles
pitch motion Minimize pitch swings in the chord center.
pitch range Set the preferred average pitch of chords from C3 to C5.
top note Reward small motion in the top chord note..
bottom note Reward small motion in the bottom chord note..
ease Avoid difficult slants and awkward bar motion.

Strum Speed
How quickly the strings are strummed when playing a chord.

(debug) Debugging info that probably only Peter wants to see. . ..

• You can generate multiple positions for each chord with the 3–Note Dobro Chords page or by clicking on the "positions" link in the Alternates column in the chord sequence display.
• If you want to make chords with more notes in them, check out the 4, 5, & 6–Note Dobro Chords page.
• If you want to do find chords on a 5-string banjo, check out the 3, 4, & 5–Note Banjo Chords page.
• To report a problem, make a suggestion, or leave kudos about this website send me a note at

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