Banjo Chords
Tuning Chord Strings Misc. Options
(Open G)
Open G notes are: G4 D3 G3 B3 D4
Sawmill notes are: G4 D3 G3 C4 D4
(G Minor)
G minor notes are: G4 D3 G3 Bb3 D4
(G Modal)
G modal notes are: G4 D3 G3 A3 D4
(Minstrel C)
Minstrel C notes are: G4 C3 G3 B3 D4
(Double C)
Double C notes are: G4 C3 G3 C4 D4
(Open C)
Open C notes are: G4 C3 G3 C4 E4
(Open D)
Open D notes are: F#4 D3 F#3 A3 D4
(High Open D)
High Open D notes are: G4 D3 F#3 A3 D4
(Usually with the 5th string nut set to 7.)
Custom: Enter the tuning as five notes with their octaves, e.g. G4 D3 G3 B3 D4
(C4 is middle C.)
Chord name or notes:
e.g. names like: G, F#m7, C9,
or lists of notes like: G B D or F# A C# E
In a list of notes you can mark "color" notes with an asterisk. For example, C E* G Bb* would represent a C7 chord with the E and Bb being color notes.
C C# D D#
Db Eb
E F F# G
G# A A# B
Ab Bb
Available chord types:
Major m + 7+
6 m6 o ø
7 m7 M7 mM7
9 m9 M9 add9
11 m11 M11 7b9
13 m13 M13 mM13
69 m69 9b5 7b5
s4 7s4 m7s4 7#9
(Hover for a longer name.)
All notes fretted All notes fretted
Include chords with no open strings.
1 open string 1 open string
Include chords with one open string.
2 open strings 2 open strings
Include chords with two open strings.
3 open Strings 3 open strings
Include chords with three open strings.
4 open Strings 4 open strings
Include chords with four open strings.
5 open Strings 5 open strings
Include chords with five open strings.
Adjacent strings Adjacent strings
Just chords made with neighbor strings
and no skipped strings between:
e.g. 3,2,1 or 5,4,3,2.
Skip 1 string Skip 1 string
One unplayed string between the played strings
e.g. 4,3,1 or 5,4,2,1.
Skip 2 strings Skip 2 strings
Two unplayed stringss between
the played strings, e.g. 5,4,1 or 5,3,1.

Fret Options
Capo fret: Capo fret
Raises the pitch of all strings
except the 5th string.
5th string nut: 5th string nut
How many frets above the nut
5 is the usual..
L.H. range: Left Hand range
The range of frets you want to
explore for chords.
Finger spread: Finger spread
How many frets maximum your left hand can reach between frets in a chord, independent of where it is on the neck. Set this to 99 to ignore it.
Also see Finger spread in the Distances section below.

Distances (inches)
Scale length: Scale length
The distance in inches
from the bridge to the nut.
Finger spread: Finger spread
How far, in inches, your left hand can reach between frets in a chord. Set this to 99 to ignore it.
Also see Finger spread in the Fret Options section above.
Chord Size: 3 4 5 Chord Size
How many notes you want in each chord.
Unique Pitches: 2 3 4 5 Unique Pitches
How many different pitchs you want in each chord.
Should not be greater than Chord Size!

Number of "color" notes required:
0 1 2 3 Number of color notes required
How many color notes are
required in each chord.
e.g. The 7 and 9 in a C9 chord.

Avoid "jangling" Avoid jangling
This avoids chords wth notes 1/2 step
or a whole step apart.

Avoid chord roots Avoid chord roots
Assumes some other instrument (bass?)
will be playing the chord roots.

Require close voicing Require close voicing
Require all notes to fit within an octave.

Strum speed
Strum speed
How quickly the strings are strummed
when playing a chord.

(debug) (debug)
Ask for extra info that probably
only Peter wants to see. . .

• You can generate a whole sequence of positions for a whole sequence of banjo chords with the Banjo Chord Sequences page. COMING SOON!
• You can generate dobro chords or dobro chord sequences with the 3–Note Dobro Chords page, the 4, 5, & 6–Note Dobro Chords page, or the3–Note Dobro Chord Sequences page.
• To report a problem, make a suggestion, or leave kudos about this website send me a note at

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